This floral arrangement conveys the essence of captivating romance, where passion meets elegance. Immerse yourself in the opulence of a large bouquet featuring a harmonious blend of crimson and ivory roses, meticulously arranged in a luxurious velvety wrap. Elevate your moments with the timeless allure of Velvet Romance – the epitome of floral sophistication. Order now to embrace the luxury of love.
Kindly note that this is a Large size bouquet displayed in the photos. Please order this bouquet at least 48 hours in advance!
The roses for your bouquet are selected depending on availability, but the composition will be made in the same style.
We give you the option to add a personal card message to each flower bouquet we send - please write your text in the order Notes after adding the selected bouquet to the cart.
We use only the freshest flowers, and the bouquet is delivered soon after it is completed by the florist.
This product requires 24 hours preparation time, so please place orders at least 24 hours in advance. Orders with this product for delivery on Monday are accepted not later than 11:30 am on Saturday.
Appreciate the work. Very professional. Highly recommended!
Only the best for your loved ones from DodoMarket florist in Mauritius. We use the freshest flowers and deliver flower bouquets as soon as they are ready.
Delicious happy birthday cakes for boys, girls, men and women handmade with the finest ingredients and decorated with our famous attention to detail.
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